Thursday, April 15, 2010

A dream from a while ago

This is in response to Dasher's latest post. It's an old dream and a little fuzzy.

As a freshman or sophomore in high school, I had a dream that Joyce Li asked me to bring her some Legos the next day at school. I don't remember which Legos they were, but they were very specific and rare pieces which I happened to have, I think parts of an alien space ship or something. When I woke up the next morning, I had a vague memory of this and frantically searched for those pieces in my gigantic Lego tub, put them in a ziplock bag, and brought them to school. It took me until I caught up with Joyce to give her the Legos that I realized she had looked a little different in the dream, and – Aha! – that it had in fact been a dream. I made no mention of the Legos and smiled an awkward "Hello" instead.

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